バーン セーン ドイは、Baan Nai Fun 2 住宅地区に位置しています。歩いて行ける場所にはドイステープ マウンテンがあり、近隣にはロイヤル・フローラ・展示場とチェンマイ ナイトサファリがあります。また、ホテルからチェンマイ国際空港までは車で20分、チェンマイ市内中心部までは車で10分です。
You can enjoy dining in the Sean Kham terrace restaurant, located in the adjacent club house that provides an exquisite variety of Thai cuisine, which you can relish in the restaurant or on the terrace while looking over the beautiful surroundings.
A creative combination of タイ北部 architecture as well as hill tribe and other Southeast Asian art, バーン セーン ドイ チェンマイ provides its guests with superb amenities and a suitable atmosphere where they can spend a rejuvenating vacation. The spa treatment regime follows the natural course to health and longevity based on ancient remedies of relaxation and variety of massages. A cosy lounge in each section of the resort offers a calm atmosphere, ideal to read a book or just enjoy your evening drink. The upstairs terrace with a traditional sala, features a panoramic view of ドイステープ マウンテン.