このホテルは、パタヤビーチ中心部のパタヤ 2nd 通り近くに位置し、歩いていける範囲に、ショッピング・センター、素敵なレストラン、お土産物屋、多くの観光スポットがあります。
All the guestrooms offered by the hotel are comfortable, well furnished and come with a host of modern amenities.
You can enjoy a fine drink at the cocktail bar and dine at the on-site restaurant that serves a variety of dishes.
サイアム サワディー パタヤ combines the tradition and elegance of a leisurely era with the new technology of 21st century. During leisure, guests can browse the net, take a cool dip in the swimming pool or relax at the lobby and have a chat with friends or business delegates.